Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding Redwood City

At Robert Savage Dental Care, we have a simple remedy for tooth chips, small cracks, uneven spacing, and other cosmetic problems. Dental Bonding is the perfect solution for minor enamel issues that have been holding your smile back. Our Redwood City Dental Bonding Team can complete several tooth bondings in just one visit to help you achieve a more attractive, balanced smile.

The Simplicity of Dental Bonding

A Dental Bonding treatment is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry choices at Robert Savage Dental Care. Most patients will not even need any anesthesia. Our Redwood City Dental Patients love dental bonding because it allows them to achieve noticeable enamel improvements with minimal cost or preparation. To be considered for Tooth Bonding, you should be in good health and have strong teeth that are free of major decay, infection, or structural damage.

The Quick Bonding Process

Dental bonding is performed in our comfortable dental chairs with a safe material called composite resin. The resin we use is a high-quality, putty-like substance that is applied to your enamel and sculpted to a perfect shape. In most cases, there is no need to remove any existing enamel.

Redwood City Dentist Dr. Robert Savage, D.D.S will select a resin shade that matches your tooth color. Then, the composite resin is gently applied to each tooth and expertly shaped to create a symmetrical tooth appearance. Once the desired shape is achieved, the resin is hardened with a special curing lamp and then polishes the tooth to a natural luster. If you take care of your bonded teeth and return to our office for regular dental checkups, your bondings can last many years.

For a cosmetic dentistry solution that is easy, extremely affordable, and painless, consider all the benefits of our tooth bonding treatment. You can talk to one of our experienced Redwood City Cosmetic Dentist during your free smile makeover consultation. Please call or e-mail us when you are ready to work towards getting the smile of your dreams.